Enforcing Rules

Baltimore Security can detain people until police arrive if they suspect a crime has been committed. This requires strong communication skills and decisive leadership to keep people safe.

If you want this career, you may consider obtaining a Criminal Justice and Security Services Diploma from Bryant & Stratton College.

Security risk assessments are far-reaching reviews of anything that could threaten your organization’s security. They include physical threats and electronic vulnerabilities, such as those affecting your information technology infrastructure assets. The assessment process includes identifying, documenting, and evaluating each potential threat and vulnerability. The outcome of these reviews is an estimated risk ranking for each asset based on its impact, likelihood and the presence of mitigating controls.

A skillful assessor will consider not just the potential impact of a vulnerability, but also its complexity and how easily it can be exploited. A risk rating is then determined by multiplying these factors. This helps you prioritize your risks and determine where to focus your resources and effort.

The results of your security risk assessment will help you create and implement a comprehensive set of controls to mitigate potential damage from attacks or breaches. It will also help you identify areas where additional investments may be required to reduce risk. Performing regular assessments can also help you demonstrate your compliance with regulatory requirements, such as Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA and the US Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.

In addition to physical safety risks, there are many other risks that your security guards can face in their work. These risks can be related to the type of client you serve or the nature of the premises they patrol. For example, if they are working on the premises of a nuclear power plant, then they are likely to be exposed to radiation and other contaminants that can affect their health.

Other risks that security guards can face can be related to their work organisation, such as a lack of supervision or inflexible schedules. These can lead to an increase in fatigue and stress levels. In addition, the physical demands of their job can cause them to have poor posture, which leads to muscular pain and reduced blood circulation. Lastly, they can also be exposed to risks associated with psychosocial workloads, such as the emotional and mental stress of their role and their inability to communicate effectively. These issues can be exacerbated when they are not adequately supported by their employer.

Patrolling Premises

A security guard patrols property to prevent or deter unauthorized access, theft, and vandalism. They may also monitor surveillance systems and respond to alarms, disturbances, or emergencies. This includes taking steps to address the issue and reporting it to law enforcement or other relevant authorities as needed. Depending on the level of risk associated with a property, patrols may take place at regular or random intervals and can vary in scope. For example, a high-risk jewelry store may require patrols to be conducted during peak hours with a dedicated patrol vehicle and staff equipped with specialized training for emergency response.

Security patrols can include a wide range of tasks, including ensuring doors and windows are secure, inspecting fire hazards, checking that access control systems are working properly, and noting any changes in conditions or activity on the premises. This is especially important for large commercial properties with numerous entrances and exits where it can be difficult to keep track of who is coming and going. Guards are trained to be observant and attentive to their surroundings and to recognize even the most subtle signs of trouble, such as loitering or broken windows.

Patrolling also provides a sense of safety and security for stakeholders, including employees in an office building, residents in a gated community, or customers in a shopping mall. Knowing that a uniformed security guard is constantly monitoring the property can deter criminal behavior and give people peace of mind to go about their day. This can boost employee productivity, improve living conditions for residents, and make visitors feel safer and more welcome at your business.

When a security threat arises, a quick response is essential to minimize damage and limit disruption. Patrols can quickly identify a problem and notify the appropriate personnel, whether that is local law enforcement or a crisis management team. They can also provide information about the situation, secure the scene, and liaise with affected parties to resolve the issue.

The key to effective patrolling is having a thorough and methodical approach. Guards should use a set schedule to thoroughly inspect each designated area and ensure no point is missed. They should also have a clear system for documenting observations and ensuring no issues are overlooked.

Enforcing Rules

Security guards are tasked with enforcing rules and regulations at the property they are assigned to protect. This means they may need to verify ID, sign visitors in and out, or manage access control systems to ensure only authorized individuals enter sensitive areas of a building. Security guards must be well-trained in how to handle these interactions and know the legal framework that governs their authority.

Security officers are also often the first responders in emergency situations, such as a fire or medical issue. This is why they are trained in first aid and emergency evacuation protocols and procedures. During these moments, it is critical that security guards remain calm and decisive to avoid becoming overwhelmed or putting themselves in unnecessary danger.

Additionally, when security personnel encounter agitated people, such as shoplifters or criminals at a business, they have to be able to de-escalate the situation. This can be done by listening, communicating, and providing options to the person in question. It’s important to note that security guards do not have the same legal authority as law enforcement officers, so any actions taken must be justified and proportionate to the threat at hand.

Moreover, security guards are typically only able to detain an individual if they have reasonable suspicion that a crime has been or is being committed, and they can only do so for a limited time before law enforcement arrives. Security guards must be familiar with this legal framework, so they can detain individuals in a legal manner and not violate the rights of the individual.

Finally, security guards are responsible for educating employees and visitors about the security measures implemented on the property they work at. This includes explaining all policies and security procedures in a clear, simple, and easy-to-understand way. This is important, because it prevents confusion and provides clarity for those who may not be familiar with security processes.

Providing Customer Service

When people think of customer service, they usually imagine a friendly cashier greeting them at a store or restaurant. However, the fact is that security guards are also capable of providing exceptional customer service. They can do this by being friendly and helpful, making your customers feel safe, and providing a welcoming experience.

For example, if a visitor to your business asks for directions or other assistance, a security guard can easily help them. The way the security guard responds to their question can make or break their impression of your business. This is why it is important to train your security guards in customer service skills.

Many businesses have customers that are in a hurry or who have questions about their order. If the person who greets them is unfriendly or rude, the customer will most likely leave the building. However, if the security guard is friendly and helpful, the customer will most likely stay and buy more products or services.

In addition, security guards can provide helpful information about the business, such as operating hours or how to get to the location. They can also assist with crowd control during busy times, such as holiday shopping or when your business has a big sale.

Security guards are often responsible for greeting and assisting visitors to your business, so it is crucial that they have good customer service skills. It is also important that they are well trained to handle any situation that may arise, such as an act of violence or a fire outbreak.

Another reason why it is crucial to train security guards in customer service is that they are the first line of defense against crime. They can prevent crimes from happening by observing suspicious behavior and immediately alerting the authorities. They can also help your employees by identifying any strange smells or sounds that could indicate a problem.

When businesses prioritize customer service, it benefits both the customers and employees. When customers feel valued and respected, they will return to the business again and recommend it to their friends. Employees that feel supported and happy at work will be more productive, and security guards can play a significant role in creating a positive atmosphere at the workplace.